Understand other living creature is not easy. Even a woman is hard to find common ground with the man, for the same utterance in the mouths of people of different sexes may have totally different values. If a person is a poor understanding of another person, what really surprised that he had a poor understanding of other living beings, such as dogs. Yet, to understand the dog is often much easier than people - enough to learn quite a small dog glossary.
Photo Radmila Ladyzhyn, NYKak rule, people perceive the tail wagging the dog as a sign of friendliness. However, this is true only if the wobble is not too fast nor too slow. If the dog wags his tail slowly and the tail at the same time is in line with your back, be careful - the dog in anger!
Overly rapid wagging means that the dog demonstrates that it is ready to obey. If the process holds the tail wagging the dog bent low, it is indicative of its excitement and even fear.
However, all these signs of tail wagging treatments work well only in dogs with normal position of the tail, for example, the German Shepherd. In more exotic breeds, in which the tail initially takes a bit not the situation that has given signs do not work.
For example, the hounds and Italian greyhounds, always keep the tail lowered, and this does not mean that they are restless. And here is a small lifting of the tail in dogs of these breeds is just indicative of their alertness.
Ears position
The dog, whose ears are perked up, anything is concerned. If the ears are pressed, or simply omitted, this indicates that the dog is in a quiet state of sympathetic and ready to obey.
A dog in a state of rest and pleasure, usually half-closed eyes, or slightly narrowed. On aggression showed wide-open eyes.
View dogs for their fellow says a lot. So dominant individuals always look closely at the individuals who hold a subordinate position. If you notice that your dog and a stranger staring at each other, then know this situation has only two alternatives: either one of the animal to attack another, or one of the dogs will drop his head and the way the opponent will say that he recognizes the superiority of .
If the dog stares not at another dog, and you, in any case do not try to revise it. This dog look at the person talking about her extreme aggressiveness, it will not allow you to win up in this duel views and always run.
If the dog pulled her lips, revealing a large portion of the teeth, then it is ready to attack. Such a friendly grin just does not happen. On the same mood of good-natured dog and her desire to play said open mouth with his head bowed.
Barking dogs are usually issued in order to greet or to attract the attention of others. Growl indicates nothing about the threat posed by dogs on her willingness to attack. Sometimes dogs growl during the game, but in this case, their friendly intentions can be judged on other grounds. However, if the dog growls better from playing with her and refuse to wait until it becomes somewhat calmer.
Nagging dog shows its full bliss. Usually dogs grumble when they caress owners. Dog's howl - a sign of loneliness dogs. Whine dogs at the time of physical suffering, as well as submitting to the will of others.
Many novice breeders surprised circling dogs, which she performs before you go. To this meant in terms of dog language? Nothing. Circling to the dogs just in order to better orient their body in space, no emotion this behavior is not expressed.
Another dog's behavior, which often misrepresents people, recently met her four-legged pet - it is easy tacking human arm with his teeth. Many breeders start with this behavior frightened dog, mistakenly believing that the dog is an aggressive mood. In fact the opposite. It's just a game, and playing with someone who has a dog trusts.
It is worth noting that the behavior, expressing benevolence of the dog and her willingness to play the part is often regarded as a concern and anger. Playing dog rushes here and there, come on people, barks. Afraid of such behavior is not worth it - the game.
Photo Radmila Ladyzhyn, NYKak rule, people perceive the tail wagging the dog as a sign of friendliness. However, this is true only if the wobble is not too fast nor too slow. If the dog wags his tail slowly and the tail at the same time is in line with your back, be careful - the dog in anger!
Overly rapid wagging means that the dog demonstrates that it is ready to obey. If the process holds the tail wagging the dog bent low, it is indicative of its excitement and even fear.
However, all these signs of tail wagging treatments work well only in dogs with normal position of the tail, for example, the German Shepherd. In more exotic breeds, in which the tail initially takes a bit not the situation that has given signs do not work.
For example, the hounds and Italian greyhounds, always keep the tail lowered, and this does not mean that they are restless. And here is a small lifting of the tail in dogs of these breeds is just indicative of their alertness.
Ears position
The dog, whose ears are perked up, anything is concerned. If the ears are pressed, or simply omitted, this indicates that the dog is in a quiet state of sympathetic and ready to obey.
A dog in a state of rest and pleasure, usually half-closed eyes, or slightly narrowed. On aggression showed wide-open eyes.
View dogs for their fellow says a lot. So dominant individuals always look closely at the individuals who hold a subordinate position. If you notice that your dog and a stranger staring at each other, then know this situation has only two alternatives: either one of the animal to attack another, or one of the dogs will drop his head and the way the opponent will say that he recognizes the superiority of .
If the dog stares not at another dog, and you, in any case do not try to revise it. This dog look at the person talking about her extreme aggressiveness, it will not allow you to win up in this duel views and always run.
If the dog pulled her lips, revealing a large portion of the teeth, then it is ready to attack. Such a friendly grin just does not happen. On the same mood of good-natured dog and her desire to play said open mouth with his head bowed.
Barking dogs are usually issued in order to greet or to attract the attention of others. Growl indicates nothing about the threat posed by dogs on her willingness to attack. Sometimes dogs growl during the game, but in this case, their friendly intentions can be judged on other grounds. However, if the dog growls better from playing with her and refuse to wait until it becomes somewhat calmer.
Nagging dog shows its full bliss. Usually dogs grumble when they caress owners. Dog's howl - a sign of loneliness dogs. Whine dogs at the time of physical suffering, as well as submitting to the will of others.
Many novice breeders surprised circling dogs, which she performs before you go. To this meant in terms of dog language? Nothing. Circling to the dogs just in order to better orient their body in space, no emotion this behavior is not expressed.
Another dog's behavior, which often misrepresents people, recently met her four-legged pet - it is easy tacking human arm with his teeth. Many breeders start with this behavior frightened dog, mistakenly believing that the dog is an aggressive mood. In fact the opposite. It's just a game, and playing with someone who has a dog trusts.
It is worth noting that the behavior, expressing benevolence of the dog and her willingness to play the part is often regarded as a concern and anger. Playing dog rushes here and there, come on people, barks. Afraid of such behavior is not worth it - the game.
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