Thus, the dog - a tame wolf, the most ancient of animals. Evolution of the four-legged friend's rights occurred very quickly. According to some estimates, there are more than five thousand breeds of domestic dogs, which owe their physical and psychological qualities of a wolf or a random mutation (the results of crossbreeding of dogs with the jackal can not be taken into account).
The dog and the wolf common ancestors, but these mammals have gone to two different ways: some were wild and fierce, while others were pets. However, the basic quality remained unchanged for centuries: and the wolf and the dog wag its tail, expressing pleasure; tail is short, from fear, shows his teeth and growl when angry; mark their territory, they have the same period of gestation, they are subject to the same parasite and disease.
During the so-called peat dogs, bred by cavemen Neolithic period, began to appear breeds of dogs that were already modern look. As a result of natural mutation, adaptation to climatic conditions or human-separated crossings are many different breeds of dogs. Modern classification is based on the ability of certain breeds of dogs to one or another kind of activity: hunting, herding, guard, working, fine.
Most likely, the first distinct breed of dogs was Saluki, Arabian Hound, whose name translates from Arabic as "noble." In favor of this interpretation of the fact that the first time the concept of "rock" has been defined precisely by the Arabs. Initially it was about horses, and then - about dogs: Breed - a group of animals, grown man in a way that they have certain hereditary qualities, including appearance, which distinguishes them from other members of this type. "
Nice article, thanks. Have discovered new things about dogs.