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Saturday, February 27, 2010

First dog shows

 Over time, the attitude to dogs: they can be valued not just for hunting, but also visually appealing and physical endurance. It is in this direction and started working dog breeders, working with mind and heart. 
In 1859 in the building of the municipality of Newcastle-upon-Tyne was the first exhibition of dogs. Were represented only hunting species - only fifty-pointers and setters. Standards and genealogy in particular were taken into account is not, and breeders initially looked at the dog shows as the original sporting event without special rules. However, fourteen years later, on April 1, 1873, in London, was founded by English Kennel Club, began to collect a book of pedigrees, in which the recorded data on dogs of various breeds.

English example was followed by other countries. In 1884 was founded the American Kennel Club, and in 1898 - Italian. In the U.S., the first dog show was held in 1875 While a little over a hundred years ago, has participated in exhibitions all around fifty dogs, these days such events bring together up to 700 participants.

By the end of the last century, supporters of the English movement of pet-lovers have made some progress in regard to control over the mistreatment of dogs. In particular, they talked about surviving a completely useless practice cupping his ears. This operation was necessary only during the dog fights where the ear might be the most vulnerable place. In 1898 in England was banned cupping his ears, and none of the so mutilated dogs (even for aesthetic reasons) are not allowed at the exhibition. According to the regulations of the American Kennel Club, any dog whose ears were cropped or cut off, under no circumstances should not be allowed on any kind of competition was in the country where the law prohibits it, apart from those mentioned exceptions. 

Such surgical intervention provided by the standards of some rocks, but not all docked ear, but only its upper part. This operation must be carried out by a veterinarian when the dog reaches the age of three, which are usually formed cartilage.


The number of breeds of dogs, especially hunting, grew. In the XVII century. France was the first place the number of breeds of hunting dogs. All the French kings loved to hunt and did so with a truly royal scale and luxury. It was at this time is the emergence of rock chien blanc du roi (royal white dogs), elegant, healthy, have no equal in the hunt in a pack. Through exchanges, trade and conflicts between various European states, these are noble and educated, beautiful and friendly animals who do not have an unrivaled loyalty, strength and intelligence, have become very popular. They were immortalized by the greatest artists who depicted them lying at the feet of the noble proprietors.

For several centuries artists put on his paintings of dogs, illustrating a person's love for these animals. The pictures of the Renaissance has many beautiful dogs. Among the famous artists who painted dogs were Durer, Botticelli, Piero della Francesca, Mantegna, Titian, Bosch, Brueghel the Elder, Rubens, Canaletto, Velasquez, Goya. The list is endless.

In poetry, theater and love for dogs has also found expression: it is enough to mention Lorenzo de 'Medici and Shakespeare.

In the XIX century. consolidation of democratic forces in England and the Revolution in France changed the lives of not only people but also dogs.

Gone huge pack of hounds, which kept the gentry, but the passion of people to hunt remained. Hunters of the middle class were content with one or two dogs, if only they were fast and had a good scent. The most prized dog, make a point in the form of production, so the British brought pointer breeders, breed, which became famous.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

How to understand your four-legged friend?

Understand other living creature is not easy. Even a woman is hard to find common ground with the man, for the same utterance in the mouths of people of different sexes may have totally different values. If a person is a poor understanding of another person, what really surprised that he had a poor understanding of other living beings, such as dogs. Yet, to understand the dog is often much easier than people - enough to learn quite a small dog glossary.


Photo Radmila Ladyzhyn, NYKak rule, people perceive the tail wagging the dog as a sign of friendliness. However, this is true only if the wobble is not too fast nor too slow. If the dog wags his tail slowly and the tail at the same time is in line with your back, be careful - the dog in anger!

Overly rapid wagging means that the dog demonstrates that it is ready to obey. If the process holds the tail wagging the dog bent low, it is indicative of its excitement and even fear.

However, all these signs of tail wagging treatments work well only in dogs with normal position of the tail, for example, the German Shepherd. In more exotic breeds, in which the tail initially takes a bit not the situation that has given signs do not work.

For example, the hounds and Italian greyhounds, always keep the tail lowered, and this does not mean that they are restless. And here is a small lifting of the tail in dogs of these breeds is just indicative of their alertness.

Ears position

The dog, whose ears are perked up, anything is concerned. If the ears are pressed, or simply omitted, this indicates that the dog is in a quiet state of sympathetic and ready to obey.


A dog in a state of rest and pleasure, usually half-closed eyes, or slightly narrowed. On aggression showed wide-open eyes.

View dogs for their fellow says a lot. So dominant individuals always look closely at the individuals who hold a subordinate position. If you notice that your dog and a stranger staring at each other, then know this situation has only two alternatives: either one of the animal to attack another, or one of the dogs will drop his head and the way the opponent will say that he recognizes the superiority of .

If the dog stares not at another dog, and you, in any case do not try to revise it. This dog look at the person talking about her extreme aggressiveness, it will not allow you to win up in this duel views and always run.


If the dog pulled her lips, revealing a large portion of the teeth, then it is ready to attack. Such a friendly grin just does not happen. On the same mood of good-natured dog and her desire to play said open mouth with his head bowed.


Barking dogs are usually issued in order to greet or to attract the attention of others. Growl indicates nothing about the threat posed by dogs on her willingness to attack. Sometimes dogs growl during the game, but in this case, their friendly intentions can be judged on other grounds. However, if the dog growls better from playing with her and refuse to wait until it becomes somewhat calmer.

Nagging dog shows its full bliss. Usually dogs grumble when they caress owners. Dog's howl - a sign of loneliness dogs. Whine dogs at the time of physical suffering, as well as submitting to the will of others.


Many novice breeders surprised circling dogs, which she performs before you go. To this meant in terms of dog language? Nothing. Circling to the dogs just in order to better orient their body in space, no emotion this behavior is not expressed.

Another dog's behavior, which often misrepresents people, recently met her four-legged pet - it is easy tacking human arm with his teeth. Many breeders start with this behavior frightened dog, mistakenly believing that the dog is an aggressive mood. In fact the opposite. It's just a game, and playing with someone who has a dog trusts.

It is worth noting that the behavior, expressing benevolence of the dog and her willingness to play the part is often regarded as a concern and anger. Playing dog rushes here and there, come on people, barks. Afraid of such behavior is not worth it - the game.

Effect of stress on dogs

Stress is one of the main causes of many human diseases. But is man? It turns out that animals are suffering from the negative impact of stress on the body no less people. This causes leading to the development of stress in pets, especially dogs similar to the causes of stress in humans.

One of the common causes of stress in dogs is the lack of communication with people like dogs. Many employers mistakenly believe that if the dog stayed outside for quite a long time, her health did not threaten, because she "walked". However, it is not. The dog must "walk" not one, but in good company four-legged friends, but in this case, it will have the opportunity to behave as it is prescribed by nature, and thus avoid the development of stress.

Stress caused by lack of communication can be two basic types. In the first case, a dog, usually adults, just bored with the result that she develops giperdinamiya, it becomes too mobile, begins to run circles and catch its own tail.

In the second case, the stress arises as a consequence of lack of communication in the puppy age. If the puppy is never in my life was not confronted with older dogs, then, upon becoming an adult, but not acquired the necessary skills to communicate with peers, he literally falls into a panic from any contact with the tribe.

In addition to the lack of communication to the development of stress in dogs is wrong behavior hosts connected with the fact that they load your pet is too big responsibility. In this case, is once again reminded that dogs are very similar to humans. And so, just like a man under stress in the event that its load beyond the strength of his work, the dog is experiencing stress, when it was forced to be a leader if the leader is by its nature can not be.

Kuzya any dog pack there is only one leader. The majority of the dogs - it is ordinary members of the pack. Owners also often want to just their pet became the winner of various exhibitions, that is, become a leader. But he can not. It can not, even if the shape of its tail and meets all standards but the psyche, the psyche does not match.

In dogs suffering from unbearable to them responsibility, often develop phobias. U.S. scientists have proved that the most common dog phobia, phobia of storms, strikes, usually purebred dogs, played exhibitions. As purebred dogs, living in a fun, suffer from phobias are many times less.

The result of the effects of stress on the dog's body is the same as on the human body: reduction of immunity, in violation of the internal organs, until the development of malignant tumors.

Curative properties of dog's wool

Historically, the dog belongs to the pet and the person is "faithfully" hundreds of years. Over the years, mankind has learned to use it not only as a security guard territory and for hunting, but also to use the dog's coat in the home.

In ancient Rus people with joint disease wore on his feet so-called "hoof", made from dog hair. Over time, formed a strong opinion from people that the dog's coat has anti-inflammatory properties. It can soothe pain in the bones in the spine with radiculitis and even renal colic. 

Property dog hair to absorb moisture and dissipate it, is an important point that his feet in his socks from dog hair always remain dry. In modern times in the cities there are many clubs for the breeding of different breeds of dogs. Each club has specialists on their haircut, where a "decent" money from the owner pick up all the dog hair after clipping.

More wool is used for making various medicinal products, which sell many retail outlets, including online retailers. These therapeutic and prophylactic products include: the corset from a dog's coat, belt, collar and socks.
Dog's wool, which is contained within this product is unique to curative. It's light and strong and this differs significantly better than the wool of sheep and other animals. 

The habitat of dogs in the process of life, enabling them to accumulate in the fur of biologically active substances which, when wearing a corset or waist are able to penetrate into the body, neutralizing the negative charges inside it. From this, there is a remission of pain in muscles and joints. This is an important therapeutic effect of dog hair. 

If you have recurrent pains in the kidneys, in the female genital organs or male, as well as in the lumbar region, the belt or corset of dog hair you will certainly help. 

In the area of the neck pain will remove the collar from the dog hair. He is also a means of prevention of inflammation of the throat and tonsillitis, and various injuries and sprains. With mikromassazhnym action, he is endowed with an excellent calming effect against pain. 

Socks that are made from dog hair, improve blood supply to stop, heal wounds and fissures on the feet, relieve fatigue. They were advised to wear those working in the cold, humid and in the draft, as well as those who likes to go fishing, that is, in places where for various reasons, there is little mobility rights. 

Theoretically and practically proved that the dog's coat has unique healing properties to the effect of healing from the pain, so it found its application in medical profilaticheskih consumer goods.

Cleaning dog's teeth

Many people can not imagine their life without the beloved and faithful four-legged friends, so they consider them full members of the family. All are experiencing when their pet fell ill or not feeling well, so try to take all possible measures to their four-legged friend was gay and cheerful again.

One of the reasons for poor health in dogs is a disease of the teeth. U pet deteriorating appetite, he often whines. Owners are beginning to worry, to drive the dog to the vet appointment. But this can be avoided by carrying out preventive measures, such as cleaning teeth. Cleaning dental cavity in dogs can prevent formation of tartar, and also prevents inflammation and bleeding gums. The patient's teeth is the cause of bad breath.

Teach your dog to have to clean your teeth at an early age when her baby teeth. They fall out after a while, but four-legged friend had already become accustomed to this procedure, how to care for hair. First, to train him to open the mouth on command: "Show me your teeth!". Then, each day is necessary to inspect the oral cavity. Necessary actions in this complex will be wound on a finger bandage soaked in broth. Only then can you clean the front teeth. But do not forget after each procedure to encourage your pet. After some time you can start a deeper clean teeth, do the movement carefully to avoid causing negative emotions in dogs and constantly praise her. Later, you can teach a dog to brush your teeth with a toothbrush coated with a toothpaste without taste and smell or a specially prepared mixture of school chalk with lemon juice and soda. After the cleaning procedure to clean the teeth with a soft cloth or cotton-gauze swab. If the financial situation of the family can then purchase a special toothpaste for dogs with the smell of meat, as well as artificial bone, intended for cleaning. Teach the paste should be gradual. First, let lick a small amount of toothpaste with your finger, and then spread it on his tooth paste and gently apply on the surface of teeth. In their actions should be guided by the fact that the process of accustoming should not cause negative emotions in a dog.

Daily inspect a tooth cavity should also be pet and to make time to see and eliminate inflammation in the oral cavity. If you're stuck between the teeth, pieces of bone splinters from sticks, which she nibbled, you need to carefully remove them without damaging the gum. Thus, you prevent the occurrence of inflammation and trauma to the mucosa.

To strengthen the teeth need to enter into the diet of dogs fresh tomato juice or tomatoes at least 1-2 times a week. Fresh brain bones similarly will improve oral health.

Proper feeding of dogs

Proper diet is very important to ensure that your dog was healthy, energetic and cheerful.
You probably noticed on the streets of stray dogs with dirty dull hair and bleary eyes. These are the first signs of improper diet, however, if these poor fellows to choose, as a rule, do not have to, then your dog should be sure to find a suitable food for the animal was provided with all necessary nutrients and vitamins.

Be sure to observe the mode of feeding the dogs, since some time feeding promotes better assimilation of food.

Many believe that if a dog - an animal carnivore, and its distant ancestor of the wolf is a predator that feed it exclusively to animal food. However, this view is not quite true: when wolves eat the animals and the meat absorb the contents of their stomachs, which is primarily digested vegetarian. Since wolves provide your body with all the necessary nutrients contained in plants.

In addition to the diet dog animal protein should be present vegetation. Now in stores have a huge selection of full feed, so you may like to feed your pet only them, and make recipes for feeding the dogs themselves.

Note that you should not feed the dog remains from his table: dishes with spices and pork rind sausage dog is not suitable. Be careful what you give dog bones bones: for its food fit only raw. Besides, you can not give the animal bones bird or rabbit, they are very easy to crush and sharp splinters can cause serious injury to the animal stomach and digestive organs. Do not let the dog a lot of milk, it can also lead to digestive disorders. If you feed your dog dry food - sure to let a lot of water.

Above all, in the preparation of the diet for a dog to go beyond just reading specialized books and articles, watch out for your pet: it is very often what is right for one animal may be contraindicated for another. With proper diet your pet will be energetic, cheerful and moderately well fed. If the dog is too thin or plump, sluggish and inactive, you need to revise its diet.

Why children are afraid of dogs

Children of preschool and primary school age often are afraid of dogs, both small and large. Some fear this fall into a state of hysteria, the other trying not to show those around her fear, and just ignore the dogs side. No persuasions, that "good dog, does not bite" does not help. What is the cause of such a panic fear of dogs?

Rather, every fear there is a history. After all, children are born without any fear. But in the process of growing children accumulate experience. And not always successful. It often happens that a child who previously has not communicated closely with the dogs, going through this stress, met for the first time with the dog suddenly. For example, during the game on a walk children to them to run up a big dog barking. Particular fear in young children caused Rottweiler, Shepherd, Bull Terrier. They look these rocks are quite daunting, especially with open mouth. Such stress for a long time remains in memory.

Child at the exhibition sobakDrugoy cause of children's fears of a dog, we become adults. You can often see this picture. Kid fearlessly approaches the dog wants to stroke her and immediately hear a hysterical cry of a mother or grandmother: "Now come away, it can bite you!" Feeling the fear of an adult, a child becomes infected with it willy-nilly. Of course, it is necessary to explain to the children of everyday safety rules, but in any case not to intimidate. Calmly explain to children what a stranger stroking a dog can only ask for permission from the owner. By the way, not all owners of dogs like it. Explain to children that the virulence of the dog does not depend on its size. Read children's books and see movies about dogs, where dogs help people. Often children are scared when the dog starts to sniff at. Explain that there is nothing wrong, just a dog so familiar. And in any case does not make fun of children, if they are afraid of dogs.

Another mistake made by parents. Often, to soothe a crying baby with fear, they begin to lisp with the child and promised to punish the bad dog. That's really, really, a disservice. After these words, hostility and fear only intensify.

What to do, in fact, any phobia hinder the development of the child. If you really want to save the child from the panic at the sight of dogs, we recommend to look like him at dog shows, or bird market. As a rule, puppies of any breed of dogs are very funny and sweet. Perhaps this will cause a little ridiculous in children positive emotions and fear of dogs back down.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Start of specialization

In the Middle Ages dogs were kept in monasteries as an escort, they may have helped smooth over the monks loneliness. Thus, in the Abbey of St.. Hubert in the Belgian Ardennes was launched Blood Hound. Also, according to reliable sources, the German monks, who needed a dog that can protect the monastery from the attacks, brought a German shepherd.

It was during this period began specialization of hunting dogs. Pointers and setters used to search for prey, a dog with a good scent shoo deer Greyhounds used to prosecute mining; Molossian dogs accompanied the hunters on the buffalo and bear. Small dogs, which called beaver, at this time also began to be used for burrowing hunt fox and hare. Thus, the first terriers.

Following the example of the Great Khan's Mongols, who, according to Marco Polo, took to hunt a pack of five thousand, European nobles had a thousand to fifteen hundred hunting dogs.

Soldiers Queen Elizabeth I in suppressing the Irish rebels helped at least eight dogs, and Spanish conquistadors during their conquest of America were accompanied by large dogs, dressed in armor.

In the civil, military and sporting life of the dog began to play a big role. Already there were treatises on the care of a dog, which was recommended to keep a dog in heat, if they returned tired from the hunt, every day of their comb, to keep clean their bowls, commented on the nutrition of dogs and how the sea water to cure a dog from eczema .

In the Middle Ages, veterinary science has been very approximate. At the same time, dogs were used for the treatment of human diseases. Thus, it was thought that the blood of a white dog can cure madness, and black - helps with the heavy labor. The first knowledge of veterinary medicine and surgery in Europe come from Arab countries.


Since ancient times, dogs used in war. Thus, the Romans were connected and fighting dogs. For defense and attack dogs were used Molossian with strong canines. They wore neck collars with metal sticking out in all directions blades. At the sight of these dogs are often the enemy fled, without even joining the fight. But worst of all had so-called messenger dogs. Military orders were placed in a small copper cylinder, which swallowed a dog. When she arrived to destination, often had no time to wait until the cylinder will come naturally, so the unsuspecting courier had to kill.

In the first decades after the fall of the Roman Empire during the invasion of the barbarians have forgotten about the dogs, and they returned to the original state. Cities and villages began to scour the ferocious pack of hungry dogs that accompanied the conquerors.

However, in the Middle Ages, dogs, unlike cats, no one accused of witchcraft and the relationship with the devil. However, in this period, they inspire people to disgust. Perhaps, that's when there are such expressions as "tired as a dog, a dog's life", "son of a bitch" and "dog dog's death."

Yet in the Middle Ages dogs were left at the service of man through hunting. When it was hunger, the man to at least some variety to their table, nothing to do but to hunt. And the rich and poor, armed with bows, crossbows, spears, all sorts of knives, as well as networks and traps, began to hunt.

The more people engaged in hunting, the more I realized that he needs assistant - a dog that can hunt in the dense forests and swamps, which so much was at that time. During this period in England is a good hunting dog was valued as a slave.

First description of dogs

Everywhere, in order to survive, had to hunt or it was necessary to protect themselves from uninvited guests, a man used dogs, constantly improving and creating new species and providing them with proper nutrition.

Even before the classical period the Greeks were wolf similar and Egyptian dogs, as well as the Persian Molossian dogs. Greek philosopher and zoologist Aristotle mentioned in his writings existed when it dogs, dividing them into the rock under the name of places where they occurred. Thanks to him, we know that in 300 BC. e. already existed a dog from India, Egypt and Epirus (northwest Greece). However, the author has not left us more or less accurate descriptions, so we can not imagine how they looked.

Hunting dogs also highly valued in ancient Rome. Ovid wrote about how to make sure that the bitch will be good puppies. A writer Varro gave the first advice to a beginning dog. In particular, he wrote that he does not trust the dogs eat the leftovers. He believed that from this they get used to the taste of blood and then can attack live animals. Grek an Oppie, author of "Kinegetika" ( "Hunting"), he was engaged in breeding dogs, small size, which in his opinion, is better suited for hunting in the woods.

Thus, one could argue that for two thousand years ago there was interest in people, and perhaps even love for dogs. In Pompeii, the houses hung signs with the inscription "Cave Canem" ( "beware of dog"), which proves that here was taken to keep the guard dogs. Typically, the use of fierce dogs Molossian enormous size and with frightening teeth. During the day they sat on the chain, the night they were released, and they ran through the territory belonging to the owner. It was fashionable to keep the ferocious animals in the house or garden.

Cooperation with the humanity

Men and wolves have found a common language so quickly, because both of those and other acts the same social structure and in general the overall mental organization. The wolves live in pairs, but during the hunt the entire flock is going under the leadership of the leader. Their responsibilities are strictly divided: one wolf out on the trail, another partition off the road for future production, and the most courageous attack. When the attack on the duty of a herd of wolves - to cut off future production from other animals in the herd. The leader eats first. The rest of the pack may begin only after the meal, as it is satiated. 
Perhaps the people who lived more or less settled communities, threw the bones and remains of food the hungry wolves, scoured around the settlement. Gradually wolves understood that a person has a perfect weapon: stone tools, arrows and traps. They felt his superiority as a hunter and began to perceive man as a leader, at a distance of accompanying him on hunting and returned with him to the village to get their share of production.
We can assume that over time people began to domesticate a wolf pups, resulting in a few generations there were wolves, who participated in the hunt is not as observers, as well as assistants, vspugivaya and cutting off the gazelles or antelopes.

To tame the horse, deer or an elephant, a person must first have their catch, put in a cage and crush their will by force. The dog also became the only animal, which obeys the power of man without resistance. It was a friendship of equals, based on mutual interest - hunting.

In some remote villages in Paraguay and Peru are still puppies, lost their mother breast-fed women. Such cases are likely to have occurred in early human exposure to a dog that could play a significant role in strengthening their friendship.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Promote your dogs with

 Hello dear dog lovers, amateurs and professionals!

We are glad to offer you absolutely free web service to publish ads about dogs your are selling or for breeding.

Our prefferences:
1. English interface, that means you can get contacts from all over the world
2. If you regards a breeder or kennel - you can place information about you, including logo image and videos.
3. It is allowed to publish any contact information.
4. You can get immediate deals from potential clients.
5. You can access and manage your ads in any time. Unlimited photo uploads.
6. Keep in touch with your clients on your control panel.
7. Publish ads to represent your dogs to sale or for breeding.

To start just go here:
It's simplier than simple 1,2,3!

I'll be very thankful if you put an active hyperlink to our website.

Best regards, team

Please contact me asap if any questions

Arabs and first breed

Thus, the dog - a tame wolf, the most ancient of animals. Evolution of the four-legged friend's rights occurred very quickly. According to some estimates, there are more than five thousand breeds of domestic dogs, which owe their physical and psychological qualities of a wolf or a random mutation (the results of crossbreeding of dogs with the jackal can not be taken into account).

The dog and the wolf common ancestors, but these mammals have gone to two different ways: some were wild and fierce, while others were pets. However, the basic quality remained unchanged for centuries: and the wolf and the dog wag its tail, expressing pleasure; tail is short, from fear, shows his teeth and growl when angry; mark their territory, they have the same period of gestation, they are subject to the same parasite and disease.

During the so-called peat dogs, bred by cavemen Neolithic period, began to appear breeds of dogs that were already modern look. As a result of natural mutation, adaptation to climatic conditions or human-separated crossings are many different breeds of dogs. Modern classification is based on the ability of certain breeds of dogs to one or another kind of activity: hunting, herding, guard, working, fine.

Most likely, the first distinct breed of dogs was Saluki, Arabian Hound, whose name translates from Arabic as "noble." In favor of this interpretation of the fact that the first time the concept of "rock" has been defined precisely by the Arabs. Initially it was about horses, and then - about dogs: Breed - a group of animals, grown man in a way that they have certain hereditary qualities, including appearance, which distinguishes them from other members of this type. "

Progeny wolves

Theories of human origins are unclear and contradictory. There is no consensus about the origin of man's best friend - dogs. Archaeological findings have shown that dogs existed on Earth already 25-30 million years ago. Thus, it can be argued that during the so-called Cenozoic era, along with the apes there like dogs, farm animals. The scientific name of this animal - Cynodesmus. We know (or at least assume) that as a result of evolution, which has lasted millions of years, there was an interim wolf similar view - Tomarctus, who became the ancestor of the wolf, jackal, fox, coyote, and only canine.

Man tame the wolf became a dog. Most likely, this happened in several parts of the world at the same time, approximately 12 thousand years ago. Remains of dogs found in the mountains Biverhed in Idaho, as well as in Europe, Asia and South America, belong to the same historical era. Friendship man and dog has started a very long time. Always and everywhere - in wartime and in peacetime, in wealth and poverty, in art, hunting, sports, scientific research - a dog accompanies man. Not accidentally English philosopher, wishing to pay tribute to them for this consistency, called the dogs "honorable human beings."

Guard dogs, which have five thousand years

To make sure that the dogs actually existed in ancient times, and understand what the social function performed Canis familiaris, to refer to the drawings made by ancient man.

However, the prehistoric artists more inspired by animals, which were the object of hunting. In the caves there are images of deer, bison, wild boars, and dogs do not. Perhaps the dogs were so common that it is not particularly interested in ancient art. However, later in the so-called prehistoric art has changed and people began to depict the jackals and hyenas. Around 4500 BC. e. came the first image of a dog: naturally, it helped the hunter. True, the outward image of the animal is like no one from the existing breeds of dogs. Ancient people portrayed not only hunting dogs: the handle of a knife, made 4-5 thousand years ago, shows a dog with a collar. Perhaps this is the first evidence that already existed at that time guard dogs.
Through ancient Egyptian paintings survived the first pictures of dogs, resembling modern. Initially portrayed hunting dogs and taxis. Later, mastiffs, perhaps imported from the East, then - hounds. Important role in the dissemination of new breeds in Egypt, Rome and Athens played the Phoenicians, who traded in the Mediterranean countries and Central Europe.