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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Shepherd dogs evolution

Since ancient times, the dogs were able not only to hunt. Among their most valuable instincts - the ability to guard. Since time immemorial, livestock provide nomadic peoples meat, skin, and also served to transport goods, and there has always been the danger of attacks on domestic animals of prey. The forests of Lebanon, Italy, the Nubian desert and plains of the Euphrates were full of dangerous wild animals. While some dogs have already engaged in hunting, while others were watching the herd, driving them from predators and strangers. Therefore, the first herding dogs were large bold animals that can withstand a bear or a wolf.

It is believed that herding dogs have appeared a few thousand years ago among the nomadic tribes of Asia. Then the Phoenician traders brought them to Europe, where these animals, crossed with local breeds, have given birth to many famous breeds of herding dogs today. The shepherds are most prized white-colored dogs: These dogs are better seen in the dark and, more importantly, they are easier to distinguish from the brown color of the wolf or bear, that is, the hunter could not accidentally kill his four-legged assistant. This explains the white color of the herding dogs, as kuvash, maremmoabrutstskaya Shepherd, Tatranska Shepherd, Pyrenean mountain dog and Bergamo shepherd dog.

The Romans spread of these dogs everywhere have been developed in animal husbandry, and each territory has developed its own special breed, adapted to a particular climate, terrain and nature of their work. For centuries, herding dogs were used exclusively to protect the flock from wolves and bears. And only in the last century, when the threat from wild animals began to weaken, herding dogs are trained to find and bring in a herd otbivshihsya animals.

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