Just finished and deployed beta version of onlinde food ordering and take away service.
See here: Pizza and sushi takeaway
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Usage of dogs during war
Even in the earliest wars dogs were sentries, messengers and scouts. Later they brought ammunition, drugs and a phone cord, we determined the location of mines and found the wounded. During the First World War, the dogs wore masks.
Modern armies prefer to take on service dogs, bred in countries which they protect. In different armies are German shepherds, collies, Dobermans and Rottweilers. For this role does not come from a dog with a white color, because the enemy they are easier to see.
During the Second World War, serving in the German army consisted of 200 000 specially trained dogs, guarding Nazi concentration camps.
Modern armies prefer to take on service dogs, bred in countries which they protect. In different armies are German shepherds, collies, Dobermans and Rottweilers. For this role does not come from a dog with a white color, because the enemy they are easier to see.
During the Second World War, serving in the German army consisted of 200 000 specially trained dogs, guarding Nazi concentration camps.
Americans used dogs during the seizure of the Japanese-held islands in the Pacific: dogs then neutralize snipers and searched for the wounded in the jungle. In the Soviet army dogs are trained there under the train cars. Then tied to their backs with a charge of TNT and produced them in the vicinity of the trains with ammunition of the enemy. A hungry dog habit ran to the car and blown up with him.
dog behaviour,
dog breeds,
dogs and war,
military dogs
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
How many chocolaye can dog eat?
Incomparably of us love chocolate again fascination the taste, so do our dogs but the laborious is that the comparable chocolate we love to pamper in is not good for our best person. consequence this article we will explain why the consumption of chocolate is since dissentient since our dogs.
We have whole enchilada heard this all of our lives but how big a confrontation is material really? Is it motion threatening or will bona fide just make him sick? How much chocolate does the animal have to eat owing to rightful to cause a negative reaction?
The ingredient in chocolate that makes legitimate toxic to dogs is theobromine that is toxic to dogs in too much quantity. Theobromine is a xanthine compound in the same family of caffeine, and theophylline.
Thankfully, it takes a suite of chocolate to give impulse a dog sick though the exact amount commit differ according to the dog's discriminative sensitivity, its size, and the concentration of the chocolate consumed.
Different types of chocolate have differing amounts of theobromine with milk chocolate having about 44 mg of the substance per ounce, semisweet chocolate 150 mg, and Baker'S chocolate 390 mg per ounce making undoubted the most dangerous to your pet.
With this in mind, here are some guidelines to consider:
1 ounce per 1 pound of body weight now Milk chocolate 1 ounce per 3 pounds of body weight for Semisweet chocolate 1 ounce per 9 pounds of body ascendancy seeing Baker's chocolate.
So, for example, 2 oz. of Baker's chocolate contract cause great risk to an 15 lb. dog. Yet, 2 oz. of Milk chocolate usually will unique found digestive problems.
Thanks to Xanthines alter the nervous system, cardiovascular scheme and peripheral nerves, consumption will result in superficial effects on your dog. It has a diuretic sign since wholly. Some of the hieroglyphics include hyper excitability, hysterical irritability, increased heart rate, restlessness, increased urination, muscle tremors, vomiting, and diarrhea.
Skillful is no individual antidote for this poisoning. Administering activated nigrous may inhibit relevance of the toxin. An anticonvulsant expertise typify indicated if neurological notation are present again needs to be controlled. Oxygen therapy, intravenous medications, and fluids might be capital to protect the heart.
Milk chocolate consign often cause diarrhea 12-24 hours after ingestion. This should buy for treated symptomatically (fluids, etc..) to deter dehydration.
If you suspect your pet has ingested chocolate sophistication your practiced immediately! They can help you test the the proper delineation for your pet.
We have whole enchilada heard this all of our lives but how big a confrontation is material really? Is it motion threatening or will bona fide just make him sick? How much chocolate does the animal have to eat owing to rightful to cause a negative reaction?
The ingredient in chocolate that makes legitimate toxic to dogs is theobromine that is toxic to dogs in too much quantity. Theobromine is a xanthine compound in the same family of caffeine, and theophylline.
Thankfully, it takes a suite of chocolate to give impulse a dog sick though the exact amount commit differ according to the dog's discriminative sensitivity, its size, and the concentration of the chocolate consumed.
Different types of chocolate have differing amounts of theobromine with milk chocolate having about 44 mg of the substance per ounce, semisweet chocolate 150 mg, and Baker'S chocolate 390 mg per ounce making undoubted the most dangerous to your pet.
With this in mind, here are some guidelines to consider:
1 ounce per 1 pound of body weight now Milk chocolate 1 ounce per 3 pounds of body weight for Semisweet chocolate 1 ounce per 9 pounds of body ascendancy seeing Baker's chocolate.
So, for example, 2 oz. of Baker's chocolate contract cause great risk to an 15 lb. dog. Yet, 2 oz. of Milk chocolate usually will unique found digestive problems.
Thanks to Xanthines alter the nervous system, cardiovascular scheme and peripheral nerves, consumption will result in superficial effects on your dog. It has a diuretic sign since wholly. Some of the hieroglyphics include hyper excitability, hysterical irritability, increased heart rate, restlessness, increased urination, muscle tremors, vomiting, and diarrhea.
Skillful is no individual antidote for this poisoning. Administering activated nigrous may inhibit relevance of the toxin. An anticonvulsant expertise typify indicated if neurological notation are present again needs to be controlled. Oxygen therapy, intravenous medications, and fluids might be capital to protect the heart.
Milk chocolate consign often cause diarrhea 12-24 hours after ingestion. This should buy for treated symptomatically (fluids, etc..) to deter dehydration.
If you suspect your pet has ingested chocolate sophistication your practiced immediately! They can help you test the the proper delineation for your pet.
dog and chocolate,
dog diet,
dog feeding,
dogs poison,
Monday, March 8, 2010
Rescue dogs

St. Bernards have saved thousands of people. A story about one of them - named Barry - has become a legend. This St. Bernard rescued from snow and forty-four people were killed and forty-fifth, which in the darkness took him for a bear. Irony: "Barry" on one of the German dialect means "little bear". In Paris, Barry was a monument, and for many years, Saint Bernards also called barrihundami.
Nowadays, for rescue work after avalanches and earthquakes are most common for a German shepherd, it is easier to the most rigid training. In Water Rescue Newfoundland used, which can operate successfully even in the most violent storm at sea.
dog behaviour,
dog breeds,
dog training,
rescue dogs
Coprophagia (dogs eating their own poo)
This topic is possible and does not apply to training dogs, but since I deal with many questions on it, I spread article on this topic.
Coprophagia, or eating feces is fairly common deviation from the norm in the behavior of dogs. It is unclear why such behavior often seen in females than in males. More frequent manifestation of coprophagy in problem dogs, apparently, about byasnyaetsya inability of owners to control minor deviations in the behavior of their pets, as opposed to owners of dogs with normal behavior.
The problem of coprophagy devoted very little experimental research, and it is still poorly understood. Scientists have put forward the following possible explanations for the causes of this problem:
- It is possible that it is uncontrolled acts committed "because of boredom, that is torn from the context of functional swallowing feces of puppies females, which is programmed in the genetic code. The fact that such behavior most often seen in dogs that spend considerable time alone and are locked up, confirms this hypothesis.
- However, we can talk and behavior in order to attract attention, which is encouraging dog owners as well as pica. Because this behavior arouses disgust dog owners, many of them very sharply and quickly react to him, beckoning to an animal and trying to divert his attention to games or treat.
- Sometimes coprophagy is a reaction to the lack of any major component in the diet of dogs.
- In very young animals coprophagy can help "create the necessary intestinal flora or populations of beneficial microorganisms that promote digestion.
- Like the carrion food, coprophagy may be a manifestation of "an instinctive preference perishable food."
Eating the feces of hoofed animals, especially horses, saturated crude products of intestinal fermentation, which, apparently, can ensure the survival of dogs in the absence of meat is a natural form of behavior that can be "refocused" on animal faeces of other species, if not feces of ungulates.
Some scientists believe that dogs eat their own excrement, thus imitating the master, who moved them around, or attempt so to "destroy the evidence, because as a punishment for acts of uncleanliness in the house the dog poked his nose in the feces. But this view is highly controversial. Dogs do not imitate such a direct way to observable behaviors, and no expert on animal behavior is not recognized their abilities to human, calculating behavior.
If a dog eats its feces only if it leaves one locked in a long time, coprophagy can be cured. This process means excrement, the smell of a dog which is unpleasant, such as chili peppers. Thus, the dog can develop a conditioned reflex, aversive. Some experts recommend using a syringe to introduce in the feces of an acute dose of pepper sauce. In this case the dog did not immediately notice the traces of "treatment", as it happens when the excrement just sprinkle with pepper.
In some cases, quite a few to change the diet, and their own excrement no longer so much to attract the dog. It is necessary, firstly, to include in the ration of food, full of ballast substances and protein and low in carbohydrates, secondly, to complement the food preparation of iron, and thirdly, to add to their food for about one week of vegetable oil at 15 ml per 4.5 kg (the dosage is given in accordance with the recommendations Makkiouna and collaborators) and (or), and fourthly, to feed the dog several times a day in small portions, which, like the addition of food fiber, increase the sense of repletion and reduce appetite dogs. You can also add in the feed enzymes of the pancreas or meat emulsifiers, which will change the taste of excrement. In addition, the possible elaboration of a conditioned reflex, causing an aversion to excrement, by introducing them a syringe apomorphine, which after ingestion can cause nausea and vomiting. But this method is effective only if coprophagy apparent recently, and the dog has not learned that the droppings are "safe food". The literature also describes one case where the problem was solved changing diet dog, which resulted in the feces began to emerge in liquid form.
Whatever of these methods were not applied, you should always remember that in the case of uncontrolled action dogs, which demonstrated the inadequacy of the conditions of detention, deliver the animal discomfort, not only ethical, but also for practical reasons it is recommended to change those conditions. If the owner is forced to leave the dog alone, he should at least make sure that within a day someone looked into the house to spend some time with a dog and walk with her.
If the dog eats the feces while walking, you can try to respond as follows: firstly, to completely ignore such behavior, which may eventually lead to problems if the cause of coprophagy was unintentional encouragement of the owner, and secondly, each times sharply scold the dog, to achieve the success of many dog owners, or, thirdly, to experiment a little with the composition of the diet, if it can be assumed that the reason for the deviation is the lack of some component.
dog behaviour,
dog eating poo,
dog training,
puppy training
How to train a dog to wear clothes and shoes for walking.
A few tips for addiction dog to wear clothing and shoes.
The harsh winter, spring slush, the use of reagents on the streets of the cities are forced to wear dog clothes and shoes are not only an element of beauty, not stained wool and no frost-bitten feet, but also the need to preserve your health!
1. Buing and bringing in new clothes or shoes for a dog or a home for the first time - open the package and let them fade in the bathroom or outdoors.
2.First time putting clothes or shoes, you should: make it at home, give the dog to stay in them, and after three - five minutes to remove. Repeat dressing at home several times.
VERY IMPORTANT: in the first dressing to distract and to promote a piece of dog treats (cheese, sausage, dried fish, etc.), to obtain and retain a conditioned reflex: putting on clothes and shoes, treat and follow-walk!
3. Outcoming first time for a walk, and keep with them a treat or a toy, distracting the dog from the unaccustomed sensation socks. After the first time, as a rule, the dog is walking without noticing clothing and shoes.
All these simple rules will allow you to make a habit of dog clothes and shoes faster and wearing them will not only be invisible on the feelings for the dog, but loved!
TA to good clothes and shoes does not restrict movement, but gives the necessary comfortable heat!
The harsh winter, spring slush, the use of reagents on the streets of the cities are forced to wear dog clothes and shoes are not only an element of beauty, not stained wool and no frost-bitten feet, but also the need to preserve your health!
1. Buing and bringing in new clothes or shoes for a dog or a home for the first time - open the package and let them fade in the bathroom or outdoors.
2.First time putting clothes or shoes, you should: make it at home, give the dog to stay in them, and after three - five minutes to remove. Repeat dressing at home several times.
VERY IMPORTANT: in the first dressing to distract and to promote a piece of dog treats (cheese, sausage, dried fish, etc.), to obtain and retain a conditioned reflex: putting on clothes and shoes, treat and follow-walk!
3. Outcoming first time for a walk, and keep with them a treat or a toy, distracting the dog from the unaccustomed sensation socks. After the first time, as a rule, the dog is walking without noticing clothing and shoes.
All these simple rules will allow you to make a habit of dog clothes and shoes faster and wearing them will not only be invisible on the feelings for the dog, but loved!
TA to good clothes and shoes does not restrict movement, but gives the necessary comfortable heat!
dog behaviour,
dog clothes,
dog training,
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Instinct of safety and protection
Dogs that have guard instinct, they will watch out their house, thing or person with the same success as the sheep. In Greece, some dogs probably descended from a Molossian dogs, guarding the sacred places. Plutarch tells us that a dog before the attack, 21 miles pursued the thief, robbed his temple of Aphrodite. Each dog had succumbed to the ancient instinct, barking warn residents of the house, if someone else would encroach on the things the owner. Even the smallest terriers forced to hear his barking and growling.
Common ancestor of all the guard dogs was a huge and aggressive Molossian dog. However, modern guard dogs in need of special dog training to be held by professional breeders. Guard dog should be able to overcome obstacles such as stairs, barriers and trenches, to protect the items entrusted to it, to attack the person, not harm him comfortable with the sound of shots, refuse to accept food from someone else's hands, did not react to provocations from the other animals running at large distances (up to 40 km)
Police used a very well-trained dogs. Most often the enforcers are the German and Belgian Shepherds, Dobermans, Airedale, Giant Schnauzers, Rottweilers, Bloodhound and Labrador. Dog training begins with the first months of life, and the service, which usually lasts 6-7 years, it comes together with his instructor.
Dogs - guards of private homes - are taught in special schools 6-8 months, depending on their abilities. Of course, the dog can be trained at home, but only the most basic commands: do not bark, sit, lie down, stand up, do not chase other animals, do not jump on guests, even close friends, immediately resorted to the call, but only from their bowls .
Trained dogs should be calm, without coercion, yelling and beating. It must be nice to run the command master. Therefore, the correct execution of commands should be encouraged. But as the promotion's best not to use food that can give any.
On some farms as a patrol passed nedressirovannyh keep dogs on a chain that can not produce anything except condemnation, because the result we get angry, unhappy, not-for-nothing dog.
Common ancestor of all the guard dogs was a huge and aggressive Molossian dog. However, modern guard dogs in need of special dog training to be held by professional breeders. Guard dog should be able to overcome obstacles such as stairs, barriers and trenches, to protect the items entrusted to it, to attack the person, not harm him comfortable with the sound of shots, refuse to accept food from someone else's hands, did not react to provocations from the other animals running at large distances (up to 40 km)
Police used a very well-trained dogs. Most often the enforcers are the German and Belgian Shepherds, Dobermans, Airedale, Giant Schnauzers, Rottweilers, Bloodhound and Labrador. Dog training begins with the first months of life, and the service, which usually lasts 6-7 years, it comes together with his instructor.
Dogs - guards of private homes - are taught in special schools 6-8 months, depending on their abilities. Of course, the dog can be trained at home, but only the most basic commands: do not bark, sit, lie down, stand up, do not chase other animals, do not jump on guests, even close friends, immediately resorted to the call, but only from their bowls .
Trained dogs should be calm, without coercion, yelling and beating. It must be nice to run the command master. Therefore, the correct execution of commands should be encouraged. But as the promotion's best not to use food that can give any.
On some farms as a patrol passed nedressirovannyh keep dogs on a chain that can not produce anything except condemnation, because the result we get angry, unhappy, not-for-nothing dog.
On the other hand, the thieves also afraid of small decorative dogs that begin to bark at the slightest noise. They grabbed the robber in the throat or caviar, but their bark is not nothing to stop. A chain can poison a dog or put to sleep, tossing her a poisoned piece of meat.
dog behaviour,
dog breeds,
guard dogs
Sheepdogs competitions
Training of shepherd dogs used with the simulation. This means that the puppy having shepherds instinct to "trust" an experienced shepherd dog, which for several months making him a real professional. In addition to the protection of sheep and cows, herding dog should be able to follow the geese, ducks and rabbits, without feeling the desire to satisfy his hunger at the expense of their wards.
In England, organized the competition for the herding dogs, in which four-legged shepherds must find ten sheep, located in eight hundred meters apart, and put them in a corral on one or more predetermined routes. If the dog is working in silence, skill, concentration and quick, she gets extra points. If it is too slow or seeking obedience sheep by biting them, the dog will be disqualified.
Each country has its own breed of herding bred dogs. But not all of them are now used for intended purposes. Some, such as the German and Belgian Shepherd and Norwegian buhund, these days are guard dogs. Others, such as Collies, Corgis and bobtail, steel decorative dogs.
In England, organized the competition for the herding dogs, in which four-legged shepherds must find ten sheep, located in eight hundred meters apart, and put them in a corral on one or more predetermined routes. If the dog is working in silence, skill, concentration and quick, she gets extra points. If it is too slow or seeking obedience sheep by biting them, the dog will be disqualified.
Each country has its own breed of herding bred dogs. But not all of them are now used for intended purposes. Some, such as the German and Belgian Shepherd and Norwegian buhund, these days are guard dogs. Others, such as Collies, Corgis and bobtail, steel decorative dogs.
dog breeds,
dog training,
dogs breeding,
puppy training,
shepherd dogs
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Shepherd dogs evolution
Since ancient times, the dogs were able not only to hunt. Among their most valuable instincts - the ability to guard. Since time immemorial, livestock provide nomadic peoples meat, skin, and also served to transport goods, and there has always been the danger of attacks on domestic animals of prey. The forests of Lebanon, Italy, the Nubian desert and plains of the Euphrates were full of dangerous wild animals. While some dogs have already engaged in hunting, while others were watching the herd, driving them from predators and strangers. Therefore, the first herding dogs were large bold animals that can withstand a bear or a wolf.
It is believed that herding dogs have appeared a few thousand years ago among the nomadic tribes of Asia. Then the Phoenician traders brought them to Europe, where these animals, crossed with local breeds, have given birth to many famous breeds of herding dogs today. The shepherds are most prized white-colored dogs: These dogs are better seen in the dark and, more importantly, they are easier to distinguish from the brown color of the wolf or bear, that is, the hunter could not accidentally kill his four-legged assistant. This explains the white color of the herding dogs, as kuvash, maremmoabrutstskaya Shepherd, Tatranska Shepherd, Pyrenean mountain dog and Bergamo shepherd dog.
The Romans spread of these dogs everywhere have been developed in animal husbandry, and each territory has developed its own special breed, adapted to a particular climate, terrain and nature of their work. For centuries, herding dogs were used exclusively to protect the flock from wolves and bears. And only in the last century, when the threat from wild animals began to weaken, herding dogs are trained to find and bring in a herd otbivshihsya animals.
It is believed that herding dogs have appeared a few thousand years ago among the nomadic tribes of Asia. Then the Phoenician traders brought them to Europe, where these animals, crossed with local breeds, have given birth to many famous breeds of herding dogs today. The shepherds are most prized white-colored dogs: These dogs are better seen in the dark and, more importantly, they are easier to distinguish from the brown color of the wolf or bear, that is, the hunter could not accidentally kill his four-legged assistant. This explains the white color of the herding dogs, as kuvash, maremmoabrutstskaya Shepherd, Tatranska Shepherd, Pyrenean mountain dog and Bergamo shepherd dog.
The Romans spread of these dogs everywhere have been developed in animal husbandry, and each territory has developed its own special breed, adapted to a particular climate, terrain and nature of their work. For centuries, herding dogs were used exclusively to protect the flock from wolves and bears. And only in the last century, when the threat from wild animals began to weaken, herding dogs are trained to find and bring in a herd otbivshihsya animals.
Standards of civilized life
The dog must be trained. This means that it should be taught rules of conduct in a civilized society people. Dogs should not stain the house, jump, or growl at the guests, to spoil the furniture should bark only when necessary, to get used to a leash, stay at home without the owners for several hours, and obey commands. During dog training should be remembered that the basis for successful learning - repetition.
Memorizing the lesson should help the two main elements: the rewards and punishments. The first may be stroking, a kind word, sometimes - biscuits. The penalty can be severe cry or slap on the back of the folded paper. The punishment should follow immediately (or within a short period of time) after the misconduct dogs. You can not blame the dog for a long time after the fault, since she did not understand what it is punished, and will be afraid of the owner.
Dogs pleased obedience. If the dog obeys, it means he wants it and will show how nice it fulfill the commands of the owner. True, there are dogs with a stubborn character.
Dogs may well find common language with the man, but do not always get along with other animals. There are dogs with congenital vicious character who experience anger in relation to the horses, geese, clockwork toys. Is therefore necessary to begin to train a dog as soon as possible. Puppies should be accustomed to contact with other animals, holding by the scruff, and if he starts to show aggression, iron until until he calms down. Adult dog to wean from the aggressiveness is much more complicated, since her character is already formed.
If all the dogs were well bred, in front of them would not have been so many prohibitions. By the presence of dogs on a visit or in stores are often viewed with suspicion. Often to blame for the owner who is not trained properly your pet. In England, dogs in general are well educated. Therefore, in some clubs and dogs allowed, but with children, who are known, are the most unruly creatures, is prohibited.
Raising a puppy should start as soon as he first crossed the threshold of the house, bearing in mind, however, that only in the age of three months, he begins to understand that slaps the folded newspaper is a punishment for what he napachkal a house, but did not ask for the street. Need to teach the dog to civilized behavior, prompting her to walk immediately after eating.
When the dog learn the basic skills of living in the house, she would always remember them and will apply all my life. Naturally, there are puppies with congenital education, which immediately perceive the lessons, and there are dogs that can be achieved by obedience to a long and arduous training.
Needness of dog training
Despite the fact that dogs have innate hunting instincts, they still need training. Training is best absorbed in age from six months to a year. However, at the age of three months puppies may accompany their mother on the hunt. Puppies seem such hunting game, but by imitating their parents, he learns all the habits of hunting dogs.
Instructors recommend the use of dogs always one and the same word and the same gesture for each team. Lessons dogs need to give short, having a game character, and repeat them to be as long as the dog does not learn the command, which is required of her. Never use coercion during their studies.
Education allows the hunting skills of dogs of various breeds to develop inherent in their instincts. However, not all hunter-lovers know that for each type of hunting, as well as for each locality has its own special breed. Crossing your dog with dog friends or acquaintances inappropriate, since the result can be obtained even though the general dog, but devoid of individuality and not able to specific types of hunting.
At the end of hunting season hunting dog should be for a few months to become a home. During this period the need to ensure that she lived in a dry and warm, not to overeat and regularly trained, and then the next season it will be able to quickly restore the desired shape.
Instructors recommend the use of dogs always one and the same word and the same gesture for each team. Lessons dogs need to give short, having a game character, and repeat them to be as long as the dog does not learn the command, which is required of her. Never use coercion during their studies.
Education allows the hunting skills of dogs of various breeds to develop inherent in their instincts. However, not all hunter-lovers know that for each type of hunting, as well as for each locality has its own special breed. Crossing your dog with dog friends or acquaintances inappropriate, since the result can be obtained even though the general dog, but devoid of individuality and not able to specific types of hunting.
At the end of hunting season hunting dog should be for a few months to become a home. During this period the need to ensure that she lived in a dry and warm, not to overeat and regularly trained, and then the next season it will be able to quickly restore the desired shape.
dog behaviour,
dog breeds,
dogs breeding,
hunting dogs,
Monday, March 1, 2010
Dogs for any hunting
After a brief review of the origin and the social role of dogs in human life we consider in more detail the mental and physical ability of dogs, in particular for hunting. Not all approvingly refer to this hobby, but we will not deal with this dispute. We note only that the man and the dog found a full understanding and even love it on the grounds of hunting. If there were no hunting, there would have been this connection that has lasted for many centuries.
There are many different ways to hunt wild animals. There are predatory and feathered, run fast and live in caves, fearful and aggressive, those who are hiding in shelters, and those who escaped. It is believed that the dog since ancient times has the same hunting instincts as a person. Biologically and genetically dog is better than other mammals, manageable. They are not only able to listen and learn, but each new generation of offspring and transmit their knowledge, and new physical possibilities. They can be compared with a piece of clay in the hands of the sculptor, gradually yielding material which imparts any form. The process of mental and physical formation of breeds of dogs has lasted for centuries.
Initially calling the dogs were hunting. They are instinctively able to find prey, raise it from the underbrush and put out to open space where the hunter is easier to shoot her. However, these abilities were not enough, and the dogs began to train and for other purposes. Thus, dogs were removed, making the stand with a prey. Obeying instinct and dog training, this dog becomes immobile as a statue, with a strained muscles to shiver, and one raised arm. This stance is a signal of the hunter, that mining is close in direction, which indicates elongated snout. Among the dogs with this ability can be called nark, Spaniels and Griffon, in England were put pointer and setter.
Man also taught the dogs to bring a wounded prey. This is necessary when a shot with an arrow (as in our days - bullet) the animal runs away and hides somewhere in a secluded spot. It is for this case and were withdrawn retrievers. These dogs can bring the extraction of water, bush or swamp.
Terriers also have the ability to chase prey from the burrow. Many forest and mountain animals (foxes, badgers, marten and ermine) live in burrows, hollow trees and in crevices between the stones. Ambitious and aggressive, short-legged terriers, have very sharp teeth, get into the refuge of these animals, take precedence over them in a terrible fight and kicked out of the hole.
At the time of the French monarchy, when hunting for foxes and deer became secular entertainment, differ luxury and magnificence, were derived such noble breed, like blue Gascon hound puatven and artesian hound. On the hunt out the whole pack of dogs, accompanied by huntsmen, beaters and horsemen.
During the reign of French King Charles the Great was established seventeen forests and about eight parks for breeding and training of the royal dogs. And the King Louis XI was such a passionate hunter and punctual man, for each class singled out his time of year: the war waged in the summer and winter, hunting for bear and deer - in the winter, hawking - in the spring. He is so fond of hunting, which, even when near death, no longer able to move, the last hours of his life, watching the dogs catch the mice in the royal bedroom.
Among the kings, mad lovers hunt, we should also mention I Knud the Great, King of Denmark and England. In 1016, he issued a decree according to which all dogs not belonging to the nobles and found in the royal hunting grounds, ought to smash their limbs.
There are many different ways to hunt wild animals. There are predatory and feathered, run fast and live in caves, fearful and aggressive, those who are hiding in shelters, and those who escaped. It is believed that the dog since ancient times has the same hunting instincts as a person. Biologically and genetically dog is better than other mammals, manageable. They are not only able to listen and learn, but each new generation of offspring and transmit their knowledge, and new physical possibilities. They can be compared with a piece of clay in the hands of the sculptor, gradually yielding material which imparts any form. The process of mental and physical formation of breeds of dogs has lasted for centuries.
Initially calling the dogs were hunting. They are instinctively able to find prey, raise it from the underbrush and put out to open space where the hunter is easier to shoot her. However, these abilities were not enough, and the dogs began to train and for other purposes. Thus, dogs were removed, making the stand with a prey. Obeying instinct and dog training, this dog becomes immobile as a statue, with a strained muscles to shiver, and one raised arm. This stance is a signal of the hunter, that mining is close in direction, which indicates elongated snout. Among the dogs with this ability can be called nark, Spaniels and Griffon, in England were put pointer and setter.
Man also taught the dogs to bring a wounded prey. This is necessary when a shot with an arrow (as in our days - bullet) the animal runs away and hides somewhere in a secluded spot. It is for this case and were withdrawn retrievers. These dogs can bring the extraction of water, bush or swamp.
Terriers also have the ability to chase prey from the burrow. Many forest and mountain animals (foxes, badgers, marten and ermine) live in burrows, hollow trees and in crevices between the stones. Ambitious and aggressive, short-legged terriers, have very sharp teeth, get into the refuge of these animals, take precedence over them in a terrible fight and kicked out of the hole.
At the time of the French monarchy, when hunting for foxes and deer became secular entertainment, differ luxury and magnificence, were derived such noble breed, like blue Gascon hound puatven and artesian hound. On the hunt out the whole pack of dogs, accompanied by huntsmen, beaters and horsemen.
During the reign of French King Charles the Great was established seventeen forests and about eight parks for breeding and training of the royal dogs. And the King Louis XI was such a passionate hunter and punctual man, for each class singled out his time of year: the war waged in the summer and winter, hunting for bear and deer - in the winter, hawking - in the spring. He is so fond of hunting, which, even when near death, no longer able to move, the last hours of his life, watching the dogs catch the mice in the royal bedroom.
Among the kings, mad lovers hunt, we should also mention I Knud the Great, King of Denmark and England. In 1016, he issued a decree according to which all dogs not belonging to the nobles and found in the royal hunting grounds, ought to smash their limbs.
angry dog,
hunting dogs
The use of dogs for research purposes
It was estimated that the population of dogs in the world today has 120 to 150 million. In the United States is home to around 35 million dogs in France - 7-8, Germany - 5-6, Italy - 4, in Belgium - 1 million in Switzerland - 400 000 thousand. Not all of them easy to live. Many were thrown ungrateful masters or victims of inattentive drivers, and scientific experiments. Goethe, Schiller, Voltaire, Schopenhauer, Tolstoy, Mark Twain, Shaw and Malaparte, along with many other philosophers, scientists and journalists were in their work against such practices. In his books, Jerome K. Jerome, O'Henry, D'Annunzio, Ada Negri, Grazia Deledda, Thomas Mann, Jack London, Katherine Mansfild, John Steinbeck, Michael Zoshchenko and Eric Knight expressed his appreciation and love for dogs.
Despite the fact that public opinion is firmly set against experiments on animals, the goats annually to 100 million animals, 100 thousand of them - the dogs. Needed less ambiguous laws and closer monitoring of the experiments, implemented in the name of science.
Despite the fact that public opinion is firmly set against experiments on animals, the goats annually to 100 million animals, 100 thousand of them - the dogs. Needed less ambiguous laws and closer monitoring of the experiments, implemented in the name of science.
dogs and science
WAR AND PEACE: different attitude to dogs
At the beginning of XX century, the dogs enjoyed enormous popularity. They were not only participants in the exhibitions, pets, army, guard, pastoral and hunting dogs: an image four-legged friends of man could be seen on talismans, toys, and various wood carvings, trading stamps, postcards and coats of arms. In this regard it should be noted that even in the middle ages pictures of hounds, greyhounds, mastiffs and great danes noble families put on their coats of arms. Dogs were the most important symbol in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance art - hunting and war.
At all times of the war led to the extermination of dogs: poverty and poverty make people forget about the fact that someone other than him, also need food. In 1871, during the siege of Paris by the Prussian army in the French capital was left not only dogs but also horses, cats, birds and mice. Similarly, already during the last two world wars, a large number of dogs died, lost their home or host. During the wars of the dogs are not only used in the army, but were friends of those who had the worst thing: soldiers on the front of prisoners. In 1943, during the retreat of Soviet forces soldiers accompanied the dog who did not want to leave those who shared with them the last.
At all times of the war led to the extermination of dogs: poverty and poverty make people forget about the fact that someone other than him, also need food. In 1871, during the siege of Paris by the Prussian army in the French capital was left not only dogs but also horses, cats, birds and mice. Similarly, already during the last two world wars, a large number of dogs died, lost their home or host. During the wars of the dogs are not only used in the army, but were friends of those who had the worst thing: soldiers on the front of prisoners. In 1943, during the retreat of Soviet forces soldiers accompanied the dog who did not want to leave those who shared with them the last.
dog behaviour,
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dogs breeding,
Saturday, February 27, 2010
First dog shows
Over time, the attitude to dogs: they can be valued not just for hunting, but also visually appealing and physical endurance. It is in this direction and started working dog breeders, working with mind and heart.
In 1859 in the building of the municipality of Newcastle-upon-Tyne was the first exhibition of dogs. Were represented only hunting species - only fifty-pointers and setters. Standards and genealogy in particular were taken into account is not, and breeders initially looked at the dog shows as the original sporting event without special rules. However, fourteen years later, on April 1, 1873, in London, was founded by English Kennel Club, began to collect a book of pedigrees, in which the recorded data on dogs of various breeds.
English example was followed by other countries. In 1884 was founded the American Kennel Club, and in 1898 - Italian. In the U.S., the first dog show was held in 1875 While a little over a hundred years ago, has participated in exhibitions all around fifty dogs, these days such events bring together up to 700 participants.
By the end of the last century, supporters of the English movement of pet-lovers have made some progress in regard to control over the mistreatment of dogs. In particular, they talked about surviving a completely useless practice cupping his ears. This operation was necessary only during the dog fights where the ear might be the most vulnerable place. In 1898 in England was banned cupping his ears, and none of the so mutilated dogs (even for aesthetic reasons) are not allowed at the exhibition. According to the regulations of the American Kennel Club, any dog whose ears were cropped or cut off, under no circumstances should not be allowed on any kind of competition was in the country where the law prohibits it, apart from those mentioned exceptions.
English example was followed by other countries. In 1884 was founded the American Kennel Club, and in 1898 - Italian. In the U.S., the first dog show was held in 1875 While a little over a hundred years ago, has participated in exhibitions all around fifty dogs, these days such events bring together up to 700 participants.
By the end of the last century, supporters of the English movement of pet-lovers have made some progress in regard to control over the mistreatment of dogs. In particular, they talked about surviving a completely useless practice cupping his ears. This operation was necessary only during the dog fights where the ear might be the most vulnerable place. In 1898 in England was banned cupping his ears, and none of the so mutilated dogs (even for aesthetic reasons) are not allowed at the exhibition. According to the regulations of the American Kennel Club, any dog whose ears were cropped or cut off, under no circumstances should not be allowed on any kind of competition was in the country where the law prohibits it, apart from those mentioned exceptions.
Such surgical intervention provided by the standards of some rocks, but not all docked ear, but only its upper part. This operation must be carried out by a veterinarian when the dog reaches the age of three, which are usually formed cartilage.
dog breeds,
dog show,
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