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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Curative properties of dog's wool

Historically, the dog belongs to the pet and the person is "faithfully" hundreds of years. Over the years, mankind has learned to use it not only as a security guard territory and for hunting, but also to use the dog's coat in the home.

In ancient Rus people with joint disease wore on his feet so-called "hoof", made from dog hair. Over time, formed a strong opinion from people that the dog's coat has anti-inflammatory properties. It can soothe pain in the bones in the spine with radiculitis and even renal colic. 

Property dog hair to absorb moisture and dissipate it, is an important point that his feet in his socks from dog hair always remain dry. In modern times in the cities there are many clubs for the breeding of different breeds of dogs. Each club has specialists on their haircut, where a "decent" money from the owner pick up all the dog hair after clipping.

More wool is used for making various medicinal products, which sell many retail outlets, including online retailers. These therapeutic and prophylactic products include: the corset from a dog's coat, belt, collar and socks.
Dog's wool, which is contained within this product is unique to curative. It's light and strong and this differs significantly better than the wool of sheep and other animals. 

The habitat of dogs in the process of life, enabling them to accumulate in the fur of biologically active substances which, when wearing a corset or waist are able to penetrate into the body, neutralizing the negative charges inside it. From this, there is a remission of pain in muscles and joints. This is an important therapeutic effect of dog hair. 

If you have recurrent pains in the kidneys, in the female genital organs or male, as well as in the lumbar region, the belt or corset of dog hair you will certainly help. 

In the area of the neck pain will remove the collar from the dog hair. He is also a means of prevention of inflammation of the throat and tonsillitis, and various injuries and sprains. With mikromassazhnym action, he is endowed with an excellent calming effect against pain. 

Socks that are made from dog hair, improve blood supply to stop, heal wounds and fissures on the feet, relieve fatigue. They were advised to wear those working in the cold, humid and in the draft, as well as those who likes to go fishing, that is, in places where for various reasons, there is little mobility rights. 

Theoretically and practically proved that the dog's coat has unique healing properties to the effect of healing from the pain, so it found its application in medical profilaticheskih consumer goods.

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